Thursday, April 24, 2014

Homeland of the Romani People: Physical Landscape

I wish this particular topic was more black and white, because like stated in the previous post (History), the Romani are a wide-spread group and don't just inhabit one area like most of these groups talked about in class. Being a gypsy is more of a lifestyle than anything, and being they are such a scarce breed of people it's hard to really pinpoint the exact location of them. A lot of the gypsies are poor, so you can find a lot of them begging for change on low-income street corners, as well as vendors in malls and in marketplaces. According to my research though, as far as population is concerned roughly 1,000,000 gypsies reside in the United States. As for percentage of the population with the most gypsies, Bulgaria has the most with 4.67% of its people being gypsies. The second most populated was Romania with 3.3%. I'm not going to take the time to explain the United State's physical landscape, however I will describe Bulgaria's since it's got the most percentage of gypsies in their country.


Bulgaria is a small, mountainous region located in Europe. It borders Serbia, Romania, The Black Sea, Greece, Turkey, and the Republic of Macedonia. Its size is relatively proportional to Iceland, or Tennessee. The geographic center is located in Buzana. It's a very hilly area, with 41% of the territory consisting of hills. Roughly 31% is low-land, and the rest is a range from low to high mountains. Its climate is unusual and complex. Due to Bulgaria's location (which happens to be between two extremely differing climatic zones; continental and Mediterranean) the forthcoming weather is pleasant, but often unpredictable. Rainfall varies year to year, but temperatures are usually pretty close to that of the US. However, when the two zones conflict, the highs and lows are astounding. Bulgaria in July once had a temperature of 113 degrees Fahrenheit, and in the winter-36.9 degrees Fahrenheit. Bulgaria is home to enough gypsies to consider them their 2nd largest ethnic minority, and their 3rd largest population in Bulgaria. 

Gypsies in Bulgaria

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